Friday, April 3, 2020

LIFE FOR LIFE by Ed Cardwell

Would you be willing to accept that there is a Higher Justice than the Supreme Court of our nation? Or higher than any authority that the United Nations could create? If not, perhaps it might be because you feel more confident in a judge who can be swayed by argument, persuaded by influence, even bribed. 

In a global crisis of Biblical proportion, such as exists now, the underlying question remains: Why? Why are we fretting about the total collapse of the world’s society, and who can we blame for it? 

The fatality rate from this virus is frightening. Can we ask, “Is not life precious?” If not, why would we fear death and dying? Those who are alive think life is precious. Life is a gift. It is a gift from the Almighty. 

Our national leaders have bowed to the altar of political expediency, and the industry that murders the unborn has been allowed to move the yardstick further and further down the road toward the diluvial type response from the Creator of all that is in the world, who also is the final Arbiter in human affairs. 

What if the Judge of the Universe has decreed at this point – ENOUGH!!! 

So, there have been X number of deaths in the U.S. and X number of total deaths in the world today, primarily due to the coronavirus epidemic. How does that compare with 75,000,000 deaths at the hands of abortion doctors in the U.S. since 1972 and billions of deaths at the hands of abortionists worldwide. The numbers are staggering.1

Does the Supreme Judge and Creator of Life execute judgment upon nations for their evil against His creation? Yes, He does. Will He bring this nation to its knees for its continued and expanding effort to deny precious life to the unborn. Yes, He will – in His time!

What is a relatively very small number of deaths due to the coronavirus compared to the number of deaths by abortionists? There IS NO comparison.

Should everyone suffer because of a few politicians and a few abortion doctors? Are the people of this nation complicit in the industry that murders children, born and unborn? Yes, we are, and we all will suffer. We continue in the U.S. to choose (elect) powerful legislators who bow to the altar of infanticide, and, yes, we are all culpable – to a greater or lesser degree. We even export our abortion propaganda and medical and technical expertise in addition to abortion funding to other nations around the world. It has become politically correct to support the abortion industry, whether directly, by a tacit agreement, or by indifference.

Maybe judgment has begun. There has been apparently no other way to gain our attention. But there is a remedy. As the ancient prophets told the people of God, repentance is long overdue, and by admitting our sin and failure, and by calling on the mercy of God and asking for forgiveness, who knows? Maybe God will relent. 

If not, how does LIFE FOR LIFE sound as an act of divine justice on an amoral and hedonistic citizenry? 

“I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.”2

2 Thomas Jefferson

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